


Magnolia Park is the #1 rated community on the Social Vulnerability Index in all of Harris County, the nation’s third largest county. This means our community is at extreme risk from the negative impacts of emergencies or natural disasters. Magnolia Park is 97% Hispanic and 44% are immigrants. The Median Household Income is 53% that of Houston's overall. 1 in 4 households uses food stamps. The high school graduation rate is only 46% and 44% of jobs are in construction, manufacturing or trucking. The community lies along Buffalo Bayou and the Houston Ship Channel, where industrial portage travels on water and rail all day every day. It has suffered from decades of under-investment and its residents have historically suffered from inadequate access to public services and resources. It is literally located across the tracks from a district that receives revenue from an extra commercial assessment. Magnolia Park needs support.

Where is Magnolia Park?

Magnolia Park lies between Buffalo Bayou (north—at the Ship Channel’s Turning Basin) and LaPorte Freeway (south), and Terminal St. (west) and Brays Bayou (east).


54% do not graduate (highest in all of Houston)

Social Vulnerability Index

Socially vulnerable populations are especially at risk during public health emergencies because of factors like socioeconomic status, household composition, minority and language status, housing type and transportation. It is a measure of how much support communities would need to recover following emergencies or natural disasters.

Magnolia Park is highest on the social vulnerability index in all of Harris County.

Economic Highlights

Home to largest petrochemical complex in US
Home to the Port of Houston


24% Construction
12% Manufacturing/Production
11% Administration
8% Materials moving
8% Sales & related
6% Food Service


Magnolia Park is Low- to Moderate- Income.

Its Median Household Income is 53% of Houston’s overall. $32,564 MHI compared to Houston area’s $60,900.

Medically underserved area

Food Desert


De Zavala Park
Hidalgo Park
Magnolia Park
Mason Park
Yolanda Black Navarro Park


Elementary Schools
De Zavala

Middle School
Edison Middle School

High Schools
Austin High School
Milby High School

The MHI is 53% of the Houston area’s MHI

21% live below poverty

95% Latino/Hispanic

44% are immigrants

1 in 4 households uses food stamps

Social Vulnerability Index Datapoints.png